
Apache Tomcat 세팅 - Eclipse 본문


Apache Tomcat 세팅 - Eclipse

기돌 2024. 1. 26. 14:43


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1. Ecipse 에 Tomcat 설정

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Apache Tomcat® - Apache Tomcat 10 Software Downloads

Welcome to the Apache Tomcat® 10.x software download page. This page provides download links for obtaining the latest version of Tomcat 10.1.x software, as well as links to the archives of older releases. Unsure which version you need? Specification versi


2.  Server 창 띄우기


3. Tomcat 선택



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1. 프로젝트 이름 - 우클릭 - Properties



2. 검색창에  FAC 검색 - Project Facets


3. 우측에 Runtimes 버튼 클릭 - Apache Tomcat 버튼 클릭시 
Dynamic Web Module , Java , JavaScript 가 자동으로 선택된다 
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